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the sound of your voice中文是什么意思

用"the sound of your voice"造句"the sound of your voice"怎么读"the sound of your voice" in a sentence


  • 你说话的声音


  • I ' m tired of the sound of your voice , sign off quickly
  • But if i hear the sound of your voice right now ,
  • But if i hear the sound of your voice right now ,
  • Man : when i hear the sound of your voice , i don ' t feel tired anymore
  • I only know one thing i dislike more , which is the sound of your voice .
    我知道只有一种声音比那个还讨厌,就是你讲话的声音。 ”
  • Developerworks , september 2002 teaches you how to retrieve db2 data using the sound of your voice
    ( developerworks , 2002年9月)一文将教您如何使用您自己的语音检索db2数据。
  • Smile and talk to me while we play . the sound of your voice will help me in making the first sounds
  • " in the name of heaven , " cried dant s , " speak again , though the sound of your voice terrifies me . who are you ?
    “看在上帝的份上, ”唐太斯说道, “请再说话吧,虽然你的声音吓了我一跳,你是谁?
  • Even though they don ' t understand the story or the poem , reading together gives children a chance to learn about language , enjoy the sound of your voice , and be close to you
用"the sound of your voice"造句  
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